Industrial equipment
Services all over the Russian Federation

Service maintenance

Service maintenance

Comprehensive equipment maintenance is an excellent opportunity to extend its service life and avoid large financial expenses associated with the purchase of new equipment. UNITEC offers diagnostics, maintenance and repair of any technical equipment, including rotating equipment.

When deciding on cooperation, you need to know that UNITEC is a reliable subcontractor that quickly solves problems of varying complexity, using only modern technologies in its work.

Enterprises from any region of Russia can use UNITEC services: customers are offered a wide range of services, which include replacement of parts, setup and start-up of equipment, regular maintenance. Unique knowledge and experience of specialists will help extend the service life of equipment, replace worn parts, optimize the technological processes of the enterprise.

Features of maintenance

Regular maintenance of compressor and pump equipment - an excellent opportunity to extend its service life by more than 30%. Maintenance is a set of activities, which include:

  • Maintenance of pumping and compressor units.

  • Inspection, monitoring of the condition of the equipment.

  • Monitoring compliance with operating rules and recommendations given by the manufacturer

  • Carrying out minor repairs.

  • Carrying out measures to saving energy consumption.

Contacting UNITEC will allow you to optimize the costs of servicing pumping equipment, while maintaining its performance and productivity. Highly qualified specialists will develop an individual maintenance project in accordance with the characteristics of the equipment, production scale.

Advantages of cooperation

The main feature of cooperation with UNITEC is the quality of the services provided and the ability to receive them in any region of the country. Depending on the problem and the task, a team of specialists will select the optimal solution, develop a project and prepare modern equipment necessary to perform the work.

However, this is not the only advantage of contacting UNITEC. In the process of cooperation, everyone will be able to appreciate:

  • The benefits of the proposed solutions, advice and recommendations. Knowledge, skills and high qualification of specialists will help to reduce the cost of maintenance and repair of equipment, extend its service life, promptly replace worn or faulty parts.

  • Efficiency. All work is carried out as quickly as possible, but in accordance with current regulations and standards. In addition, you can contact UNITEC at any time: the company works around the clock, without days off and breaks.

  • Innovative technologies. The main principle of UNITEC is the use of first-class equipment and modern methods in solving problems of varying complexity.

If you need to service pumping equipment, you should not waste time searching. UNITEC – a team of professionals who will solve the task quickly, efficiently, in accordance with the client's wishes. The craftsmen are aimed at extending and improving the equipment, but not at repairing or completely replacing it. This approach to work allows us to reduce the clients' expenses and build trusting relationships with them.