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Tubular aerator Faggiolati OJ

Tubular aerator Faggiolati OJ


Engine work, KW 2.8-39.2
Suction Flange DN DN80...DN250
Material cast iron, steel
Engine speed RPM 960-1436 RPM


The OSSI-JET aerator aerates using the Venturi effect, creating a flow that mixes with air and is fed into the sprayer. This allows for effective oxygenation and simultaneous homogenization of any type of industrial, domestic, and zootechnical wastewater, as well as reducing investment and operating costs. The Faggiolati OJ system can also be effectively used for leveling, stabilizing, deodorizing, neutralizing and flotation of oils, fats or suspensions.


- High energy efficiency and subsequent cost savings

- No risk of clogging due to carbonate and sediment deposits

- Ability to work with high dirt concentrations

- Easy installation without any distribution network inside the tank

- Installation without the need to empty the tank

- Minimum maintenance time without stopping the system

- No aerosol effect, i.e. no spraying of liquid particles into the atmosphere, which avoids air pollution and ensures comfortable working conditions for the operating personnel. 

Universality of use and ease of installation:

OSSI-JET is completely immersed in the liquid, which significantly reduces the noise it produces. This can be further reduced to values ​​close to the threshold of perception by installing a silencer on the air suction pipe. The Faggiolati OJ aerator is self-supporting and can be simply placed on the bottom of the tank without the need for fastening.
Technological maintenance is limited to checking the submersible motor once a year. The system is universal and extremely flexible in adapting to any type of tank, regardless of shape and size.